Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Open Road

Since I'm pretty slow in getting my journal of my B.C. adventure online, I'll lead you over to Dave's funny account of the trip the three of us took. What you say? Didn't I mention before this was just a two person trip? Apparently I hadn't accounted for Cycling Mind.

Or you can sift through my snap-happy-ness over on flickr.

Since coming back from the trip I have been dreaming about where my next trip will be. Once bitten by the touring bug its hard to cure the infection. Week long journeys - there are so many possible choices. But then my mind starts thinking of epic journeys. Crossing Canada. Selling my possessions and wandering the world on my bicycle until I get tired of it. The Pan-American highway. So many possibilities.

The other night I went to a screening of the documentary The Long Road North by Vancouverites Gwendal and Tania, heading from the tip of South America to Inuvik. If you have the dream of epic travel on your bicycle, I highly recommend this film. Certainly it highlighted many of the challenges they faced. But challenges are necessary to experience the great reward. (Well that was my theory on all those hills I didn't want to climb out in B.C. anyway..)

Any ideas for some summer adventures? After beauty like Helliwell Park on Hornby Island, or the incredibly scenic highway to Tofino, its hard to not find heading from Toronto to somewhere to camp for a long weekend a bit boring. Where do YOU want to go? Where have YOU been touring? Please leave me comments to inspire!
